Version #2a — Accessible ARIA Tabs
- the
controls are links within thetablist
’s list items - the
attribute is removed from eachtab
link to prevent JAWS 9 and 10, and JAWS 11 in a certain context, and NVDA in IE8 from reading the absolute URL with fragment identifier when the link gains focus; this has the side effect of preventing Window-Eyes from finding the currenttab
control when using the TAB key - the
’s list items are set withrole="presentation"
- the
links' default click event is programmatically prevented
First Tab's Main Heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur blandit tellus nec turpis. In at sem. Nunc tempus sem. Morbi tincidunt diam vitae purus. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur facilisis ligula ut dui. Vivamus placerat, libero ut convallis elementum, urna nisi nonummy libero, eu porttitor ante neque eu nulla.
Quisque ac velit. Phasellus ac eros in sapien congue elementum. Donec vitae massa vitae magna rutrum placerat. Vestibulum tortor. Cras vitae justo at nisi commodo euismod.
Second Tab's Main Heading
Aliquam vehicula justo ut metus. Maecenas sollicitudin, leo vel eleifend consectetuer, ligula magna hendrerit massa, a facilisis eros tellus non arcu. Quisque pulvinar, metus sed ullamcorper lacinia, nulla nibh consequat libero, ac nonummy quam diam ut neque. Suspendisse interdum lacinia nulla.
Quisque dapibus feugiat magna. Nunc velit erat, congue eget, tristique et, scelerisque id, quam. Phasellus nonummy enim in pede. Phasellus metus nibh, ultrices convallis, auctor aliquet, suscipit eu, nisi.
Third Tab's Main Heading
Sed ut lectus in tellus blandit dapibus. Mauris elit quam, fringilla vel, luctus eu, molestie sit amet, diam. Quisque dapibus feugiat magna. Nunc velit erat, congue eget, tristique et, scelerisque id, quam. Phasellus nonummy enim in pede. Phasellus metus nibh, ultrices convallis, auctor aliquet, suscipit eu, nisi.
Version 2a Results
- use the TAB key to reach the currently selected
- to use the arrow keys to navigate the
controls, in IE8 you must turn off the Virtual PC Cursor (by pressing Ins+Z); in FF3.6, you can also press the Enter key to activate Forms Mode - in IE8, after turning the Virtual PC Cursor back on and with focus still set to a
control, using the “say all” command causes JAWS 9 to start reading from the top of the page; in FF3.6, JAWS continues reading from the selectedtab
control and into thetabpanel
- in FF3.6, but not in IE8, JAWS 9 identifies the
s as controls when it comes across them as part of reading through the page - in both browsers, it identifies each
control as a “tab” when navigating among them with the arrow keys with the Virtual PC Cursor off - in FF3.6, but not in IE8, JAWS 9 also identifies the selected
- use the TAB key to reach the currently selected
- even though JAWS 10 has “Auto Forms Mode,” it does not automatically enter Forms Mode when focus is set to a
control - in order to use the arrow keys to navigate the
controls, you must either turn off the Virtual PC Cursor (by pressing Ins+Z) or enter Forms Mode (by pressing the Enter key) - Forms Mode must be off and the Virtual PC Cursor on for JAWS 10 to read the new
content - JAWS 10 identifies the selected
control in IE8, but not in FF3.6, which is the reverse of how JAWS 9 behaves
- JAWS 11 automatically enters Forms Mode when focus is set to the currently selected
control, and you can then use the arrow keys to navigate to an adjacenttab
- in IE8, but not in FF3.6, upon setting focus to an adjacent
control, JAWS 11 automatically exits Forms Mode, so you can easily navigate to only onetab
in either direction using the arrow keys; you need to manually enter Forms Mode again by pressing Enter and can then use the arrow keys to navigate to the nexttab
; this does, however, make easy to immediately begin reading the selectedtabpanel
’s content using normal reading commands. Update (Sept. 29, 2010): In later versions such as JAWS 11.0.1471, this no longer happens, that is, JAWS does not automatically exit Forms Mode upon moving focus to an adjacenttab
control. - in order to read the
content, JAWS 11 must not be in Forms Mode - JAWS 11 identifies the selected
control in both IE8 and FF3.6 - Note: you can also manually toggle the Virtual PC Cursor off (by pressing Ins+Z) and then navigate by arrow key through all of the
controls, but after turning the Virtual PC Cursor back on, JAWS identifies the previoustab
as the selected control and will read the previously selected and now hiddentabpanel
content, so it appears that the virtual buffer is not immediately updated this way
Window-Eyes 7.11 and 7.2
- in reading through the page, Window-Eyes identifies each
control as a “page tab”, but they are not included in the TAB order, since thetab
attributes are removed - in IE8, Window-Eyes registers the
s as frames, using the relevanttab
control as the frame title, and while pressing M or Shift+M will make Window-Eyes read the next or previoustab
control’s name, it does not move focus to the control or thetabpanel
- you must manually turn off Browse Mode to find the
control links using the TAB key, but then you can use the arrow keys - if Browse Mode is off, the
control names are not announced when receiving focus in IE8, but they are in FF3.6, including the total number oftab
s, e.g., “Second Tab, two of three” - in order to read the
content after having selected a newtab
, you must manually turn Browse Mode back on, and upon doing so, in IE8 Window-Eyes reads through thetab
controls and then thetabpanel
content, while in FF3.6 it starts reading from the top of the page
NVDA 2010.1
- automatically enters Focus Mode when focus is set to a
control, and you can then use the arrow keys to switchtab
s - upon selecting an adjacent
, NVDA announces its name, identifies it as selected, and in FF3.6, also lists the total number oftab
s, e.g., “Second Tab, tab selected, two of three” - in both browsers, and while in Focus Mode, you can use NVDA’s object navigation to find your way to the
from the selectedtab
control, and then review thetabpanel
object's text with numpadPlus - in IE8, with focus set to a
control, pressing numpadPlus, which is the command to read the current navigator object, causes NVDA to continue reading from the selectedtab
, including thetabpanel
content; in FF3.6, NVDA only reads thetab
control's text, which makes more sense since it is the current object - otherwise, you can just manually exit Focus Mode to read the
content and continue interacting with the page in Browse Mode
SAToGo 3.1.24
- you can navigate to and among the
controls by pressing the TAB key and in both IE8 and FF3.6, hitting Enter or the Space keys will select atab
; you cannot use the arrow keys - when setting focus to a
control, it is identified as a tab; the currently selectedtab
control is also identified as selected - upon selecting a
, SAToGo moves focus into thetabpanel
and starts reading its content
VoiceOver 3
- can press TAB to reach the currently selected
control - using the VoiceOver navigation commands, i.e., Ctrl+Option+right arrow or Ctrl+Option+left arrow, focus will always be set to the first
control, whether or not it is the currently selectedtab
, and setting focus to it this way does not activate it - after using the VoiceOver navigation commands to reach the first
control, pressing Ctrl+Option+Space to perform the default action for the item does load the associatedtabpanel
- with focus on a
control, you can always use the arrow keys to navigate among them, which also serves to load the relevanttabpanel
- no matter how focus is set to a
control, VoiceOver announces it and identifies if it is selected, e.g., "First Tab, tab one of three", "Second Tab, selected tab, two of three" - can easily continue reading the
content using the standard VoiceOver commands