ARIA Widgets and Focus/Forms Mode Support in JAWS and NVDA

When using ARIA composite application widgets, e.g., combobox, menubar, tree, authors are expected to implement appropriate keyboard interaction and focus management. Where screen readers that use virtual buffers are concerned, notably JAWS, NVDA, and Window-Eyes, this means invoking their special passthrough mode referred to as forms mode, focus mode, or sometimes application mode.

VoiceOver on the Mac doesn't use virtual buffers, and the current version of Window-Eyes really doesn't support ARIA (although its anxiously awaited next version will). As such, what follows deals exclusively with JAWS and NVDA.

Native Focus Mode Support for Widget Roles

Focus or forms mode initially enabled screen reader users to interact with typical form controls such as text inputs and select dropdowns. With today's fancier custom widgets, it's not always the case that natively interactive HTML elements will be used (even when they can and should). Application widgets are being built using things like table or ul elements, if not simple divs and spans, none of which are natively interactive or focussable. Hence the need for authors to implement keyboard access and focus management themselves, and the similar need for a way to tell screen readers like JAWS and NVDA to use their special focus mode.

The nice thing about ARIA widget roles is that they themselves should notify relevant screen readers to automatically enter focus mode. This allows authors to not have to worry as much about the negative effects that can accompany using role="application", that special landmark role whose main purpose is to signal to screen readers that they should enter focus mode and pass keyboard commands through to the browser. I've addressed these negative effects before in Not All ARIA Widgets Deserve role="application", as have others, for example, Marco Zehe in his post If you use the WAI-ARIA role “application”, please do so wisely!.

Update (10 September 2012): James Teh from NVDA has pointed out that mode switching is not strictly to do with virtual buffers. For instance, VoiceOver's Quick Nav mode assigns special actions to the arrow keys. If Quick Nav mode was on, one would need to manually toggle it off again to make normal use of the arrow keys in a web application.

James also points out that, for NVDA, focus mode and the mode you get with role="application" are quite different. An earlier version of this post orginally discussed role="application", but that got edited out. So let me put some of it back in.

The effect of role="application" in NVDA is quite different from what it is in JAWS. In NVDA, there are no virtual buffers within a container set with role="application". NVDA only recognises an application, and no document content for which virtual buffers or a browse mode might be required. Because there are no virtual buffers for that container, there is no toggling NVDA's focus mode off and use browse mode commands. While NVDA does pass keystrokes through to the browser, it's not the normal focus mode.

On the other hand, JAWS' behaviour with role="application" is not very different from its normal auto forms mode behaviour. What it does do is change the way it typically exits auto forms mode. You can read more about this in Freedom Scientific's bulletin, In ARIA, what is the difference in how JAWS treats role="applications" and role="document"?.

But again, this is the nice thing about these ARIA widget roles. They invoke focus mode for those supporting screen reader and browser combinations, so there's no need to deal with role="application".

Testing Support in JAWS and NVDA

JAWS and NVDA do quite well entering forms mode with ARIA composite widgets. With some exceptions, both JAWS and NVDA automatically invoke forms mode when focus is moved to a widget container or, where suggested by the WAI-ARIA 1.0 Authoring Practices guide, to the first sub-component within the widget.

The following widget role structures were tested:

  • textbox in a combobox
  • gridcell in a grid
  • listbox
  • menuitem in a menu
  • menuitem in a menubar
  • radio in a radiogroup
  • slider
  • spinbutton
  • tab in a tablist
  • treeitem in a tree
  • columnheader in a treegrid

View the test page. Forms mode support was tested by using the Tab key to move focus from widget to widget in the following screen reader and browser combinations:

  • JAWS 10 and 11 in Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox 15
  • JAWS 12 in IE9 and FF15
  • JAWS 13 in IE9, IE10, and FF15
  • NVDA 2012.2.1 in IE8, IE9, IE10, and FF15

Test Results

Unless otherwise indicated, a "Yes" in the tables below means the screen reader automatically enters forms or focus mode when focus is set to the relevant element. In some cases, the screen reader does not automatically enter forms mode, but allows entering forms mode manually, e.g., by pressing Enter when the element has focus.

Note: No natively focussable HTML form or interactive elements were used in the test widgets. This was done in order to test how well the ARIA roles on their own are interpreted by the browser and screen reader. Where combobox widgets are concerned, the text field will typically (and should) be an actual input element, but it need not be. Had an actual input element been used for the combobox's textbox in these tests, both JAWS and NVDA would have automatically entered forms mode because they do this natively for text inputs. As it is, forms mode support for a div set with role="textbox" in a combobox container is variable.

JAWS 10–12: ARIA Widgets and Focus Mode
ARIA Roles JAWS 10 in IE8 JAWS 10 in FF15 JAWS 11 in IE8 JAWS 11 in FF15 JAWS 12 in IE9 JAWS 12 in FF15
textbox in a combobox [Note] Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
gridcell in a grid Yes
*must manually enter forms mode
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
listbox Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
menuitem in a menu Yes
*must manually enter forms mode
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
menuitem in a menubar Yes
*must manually enter forms mode
*no audio indication
Yes Yes
*no audio indication
Yes Yes
radio in a radiogroup Yes
*must manually enter forms mode
*must manually enter forms mode
*must manually enter forms mode
*must manually enter forms mode
*must manually enter forms mode
*must manually enter forms mode
slider No Yes Yes
*requires @aria-valuenow
Yes Yes
*requires @aria-valuenow
spinbutton No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
tab in a tablist Yes
*must manually enter forms mode
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
treeitem in a tree Yes Yes No
*Yes if focus set to tree container
Yes Yes Yes
columnheader in a treegrid Yes
*seems buggy
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JAWS 13 and NVDA 2012.2.1: ARIA Widgets and Focus Mode
ARIA Roles JAWS 13 in IE9 JAWS 13 in IE10 JAWS 13 in FF15 NVDA 2012.2.1 in IE8/9 NVDA 2012.2.1 in IE10 NVDA 2012.2.1 in FF15
textbox in a combobox [Note] No No Yes No No Yes
gridcell in a grid Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
listbox Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
menuitem in a menu Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
menuitem in a menubar Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
radio in a radiogroup Yes
*must manually enter forms mode
*must manually enter forms mode
*must manually enter forms mode
Yes Yes Yes
slider Yes
*requires @aria-valuenow
*requires @aria-valuenow
Yes Yes Yes Yes
spinbutton Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
tab in a tablist Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
treeitem in a tree Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
columnheader in a treegrid Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes

Things to Note

  • JAWS 12 in IE9 and FF15 supports automatic forms mode for almost all of the widget roles tested, with the single exception of radio in a radiogroup which requires manually entering forms mode.
  • Support in JAWS 13 is the same as in JAWS 12, with the exception of a small regression when using IE9 and IE10 where a div set with role="textbox" in a combobox widget is concerned.
  • JAWS 11, 12, and 13 in IE will not properly recognise a slider unless it has an aria-valuenow property. However, since @aria-valuenow is somewhat integral to slider, this is unlikely to be an issue in practice.
  • JAWS 10 and 11 in FF15 appear to automatically enter forms mode for menuitem in a menubar, but they don't clearly signal this with the typical audible beep.
  • NVDA 2012.2.1 in FF15 automatically enters focus mode for all the widget structures tested.
  • In IE8 and IE9, NVDA has a few issues with gridcell in a grid widget and columnheader in a treegrid widget, although these are cleared up in IE10.
  • In IE8, IE9, and IE10, NVDA has problems with a div set with role="textbox" in a combobox.
  • Support for role="textbox" on a div in a combobox widget is strangely inconsistent through different combinations of JAWS and browser versions.
  • On the whole, both JAWS and NVDA have better forms mode support for ARIA widget roles in Firefox than they do in Internet Explorer.

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